Master Wan Ko Yee’s H H Dorje Chang Buddha III Painting Was Sold at 300,000 US Dollars per Sq Ft

Master Wan Ko Yee’s H H Dorje Chang Buddha III Painting Was Sold at 300,000 US Dollars per Sq Ft

Northern California

Asian Journal
March 2-8, 2007

Master Wan Ko Yee’s Painting Was Sold at the Price of 300,000 US Dollars per Square Foot

The Painting at the Price of 900,000 US Dollars Was Not Sold

An auction held by International Buddhism Sangha Association took place on February 7, 2007 in San Francisco. Three Chinese paintings were displayed. One of the paintings entitled “Two Flowers; One Lotus Capsule; One Dharma Nature” was sold at 300,000 US dollars per square foot. The world renowned Great Buddhist Dharma King Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu (also known as the great artist Master Wan Ko Yee) donated three valuable paintings as gifts to International Buddhism Sangha Association. At the time of the auction of these three paintings more than 10 people expressed an interest in buying them. After several competitive bidding rounds, the lotus painting was sold to an English collector Ian Hamilton at the price of US$300,000 per square foot. Another painting, “Plum Blossoms”, was sold at US$210,000 per square foot. However, the most anticipated painting, “Pasture in Spring (a shepherd boy herding cattle)”, was not sold at this time. “ Pasture in Spring ” was considered the most valuable of the three donated paintings. Even though the buyer raised the price to US$540,000 per square foot, the seller insisted that the price cannot be below US$900,000 per square foot. Therefore, this transaction was not completed because of the great difference between the prices.

San Francisco Chronicle
Friday, January 19, 2007

For the sake of advocating Buddha-dharma and promoting sacred Buddhist affairs, the International Buddhism Sangha Association has decided to make three valuable paintings donated to the Association available for purchase. A sales event will be held on Wednesday, February 7, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. at Hua Zang Si in San Francisco. All proceeds received will be used for the benefits of living beings.

The first painting: Pasture in Spring (a shepherd boy pasturing cattle). US$900,000. - per sq. ft.

The second painting: Two Flowers; One Lotus Capsule; One Dharma Nature (Lotus). US$300,000 -per sq. ft. (Please note that the price per sq. ft. previously posted on 1/15/2007 has been corrected.)

The third painting: Plum Blossoms, US$210,000 - per sq. ft. (Please note that the price per sq. ft. previously posted on 1/15/2007 has been corrected.)

There will be an on-site notary public providing related notary services for the proof of each purchase.

By International Buddhism Sangha Association
The contact information of Hua Zang Si is as follows:
3134 22nd Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 TEL:(415) 920-9816 FAX: (415) 920-9836 

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